Education, Gender, Pedagogical interventionAbstract
The teachers when transmitting the pertaining to school scientific knowledge, without one practical
conscientious one - of the production of the concepts -, can strengthen the hegemonic values, especially, when they deal with boys and girls differentiated form, of the point of view of the gender. A time that the objective of the present study is to investigate the possibility of magnifying of the concept of gender, presented for teachers, after pedagogical intervention, was used of these estimated theoreticians for the accomplishment of a movement of reconstruction of the gender
concept. After this process, was possible to before identify to the preconceptions gifts in interviews
carried through with the professors and after the process of pedagogical intervention. To leave, of
these quarrels it was possible to elaborate with the professors didactic-pedagogical proposals for
the education of the gender concept the pupils of 5a and 6a series - where the participants of the research act. In sight of this, the category carried through in this work run away to the binary oppositions, they question therefore them in the context marke for relations of being able as for the gender.
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