Collective teaching work and pedagogical coordination between everyday heterogeneity and a project of teachers training
entre a heterogeneidade do cotidiano e um projeto de formação de professores
Pedagogical coordination, Teacher’s education, Collective teaching workAbstract
The article discusses the expectations and the learning process of a pedagogical coordinator and the possibilities of teachers training at the working hours of collective pedagogical work in the context of a research project that integrates college researchers and basic schools teachers that are interested in understanding how the collective spaces of the school are being constituted and and being used by the professionals as a training experience. The researchers followed
the collective workshops over a school semester by facing them as an opportunity of dialogue and production of meanings about the collective work itself and teachers trainning. It’s recognizable that the everyday heterogeneity, when prevents the hierarchy of priorities under the demands of practice and the urgency of the routine undertakes a project of teachers
training oriented by the partnership and the commitment with the students learning process.
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