Reading and interpretation of statistical graphs in undergraduate students at a Mexican university




Higher education, Statistics, Graphics, Statistical data, Graphic comprehension


The article presents the levels of reading and interpretation of statistical graphs as part of statistical literacy in university students. The main objective was to make a diagnosis about the interpretation of information presented through statistical graphics in the media. The study, of a quantitative nature and a descriptive scope, was carried out through a cluster sampling of 362 students, from 14 undergraduate programs at a public university, who answered the “Questionnaire on reading and interpreting data through statistical graphics”, a maximum performance test with 18 items that measured graphic comprehension. The results show that students are not developing data interpretation skills in statistical graphs and recognize needs in reading and interpreting information presented in this way. It was not found that there are differences regarding the reading of graphs between the careers that include some statistical topics in their educational programs and those that do not. The conclusions point out weaknesses in a core part of statistical literacy in the interpretation of statistical graphs present in the media, which supports the need to carry out a deeper and more detailed review of the curricular and didactic orientations in the subjects of statistics, as well as making proposals for a common curricular framework regarding statistical literacy in the university.


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Author Biographies

Jesús Enrique Pinto Sosa, Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán

Campus de Ciencias Sociales, Económico-Administrativas y Humanidades, Facultad de Educación

Armando Josué Marín Ché, Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán

Campus de Ciencias Sociales, Económico-Administrativas y Humanidades, Facultad de Educación


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How to Cite

Pinto Sosa, J. E., & Marín Ché, A. J. (2023). Reading and interpretation of statistical graphs in undergraduate students at a Mexican university. Revista De Educação PUC-Campinas, 28.



Dossiê Práticas Pedagógicas e Processos Educativos em Educação Estatística