Influences of the Chilean Didactic Manual for Teaching Probability and Statistics in the Early Years of Elementary School




Specialized knowledge, Statistical education, Documentary research


In the school environment, the textbook is a tool widely used by teachers and students. All these collections
have a didactic manual, available for access only to the faculty. Thus, the present research sought to
reveal the specialized knowledge of the Chilean didactic manual for teaching Probability and Statistics
in the first and second year of Basic Education, in which six and seven years old students enroll regularly.
The understanding of this knowledge, as well as its influences, allows the educator to identify the possible
difficulties that students may acquire during the learning of this thematic axis. Consequently, it will be easier to devise strategies that minimize these impacts. The study took place in the form of documentary research, focusing on the Sumo Primero collection (2022). The framework was based on the theoretical model of the Mathematics Teacher’s Specialized Knowledge, which categorized the mathematics teacher’s specialized knowledge into six main subdomains. By studying and analyzing the afore mentioned manual, we sought to identify the knowledge that stood out the most, according to the classification of the indicated sections according to the norms of the mentioned model. As a result, the most evident subdomain was Knowledge of Mathematics Learning Standards and the least prevalent was Knowledge of the Structure of Mathematics. It is expected that this research will contribute to the formation of teachers, in order to also constitute itself for the thought of new investigations.


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Author Biographies

João Pedro Piccoli, Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados

Professor de Matemática na REE/MS. Mestrando em Ensino de Ciências e Matemática na UFGD.

Edvonete Souza de Alencar, Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados

Doutora em Educação Matemática pela PUC-SP (2016). Professora Adjunta na Faculdade de Educação da UFGD. Atua no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ensino de Ensino de Ciências e Matemática (PPGECMat).

Danilo Díaz-Levicoy

Doutor en Ciencias de la Educación - Didáctica de la Matemática (2018). Profesor de la Facultad de Ciencias Básicas en la Universidad Católica del Maule. Atua en Magíster y Doctorado en Didáctica de la Matemática.



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How to Cite

Piccoli, J. P., Souza de Alencar, E., & Danilo Díaz-Levicoy. (2023). Influences of the Chilean Didactic Manual for Teaching Probability and Statistics in the Early Years of Elementary School. Revista De Educação PUC-Campinas, 28.



Dossiê Práticas Pedagógicas e Processos Educativos em Educação Estatística