Indigene Literacy, Bilingual Literacy, Indigene Education, Intercultural Education, Terena Indians - LiteracyAbstract
The object of this paper is to put into context and present the first results obtained from the bilingual
literacy project done with the Terena Indians, as part of a program of Intercultural Education implanted by the mayor's office in Aquidauana, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil, beginning in 1999. The project has already produced a positive impact in the community, waves of which will be felt in the next few years, notably in a drastic reduction in the drop-out failure rates that have been part of the village's tradition. There has also been a marked improvement in the teacher's and student's
levels of self-esteem from this positive scholastic performance. The promise of further success is centered in a continual program of preparing teachers in the classroom, as well as giving special attention to the constant process of transition to the Portuguese language in the second phase of this fundamental education.
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