analyses of a corrective action learniship
Alphabetization, Literacy, School failureAbstract
We aim to analyze an educational flux corrective project - the Alfaletramento - trying to identify its impacts on those students with school failure history as well as on teachers. The project deals with students of the third and fourth grades from the public primary school in Recife, who had difficulty in reading and writing. The methodology was based on teachers’ comments, which we have collected from interviews. We have found out that the formation work experienced with the teachers contributed to the development of a large range of activities in the project: reading, text production
and alphabetic writing. The students who started the school year in group 1 (were not acquainted with alphabetic writing improved. At the beginning of the school year, 28,46% of the students belonged tot group 1. By the end of the year only 7,7% of them remained at that level.
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