
  • Mara Regina Lemes De Sordi
  • Valderice Cecília Limberger Rippel


World bank , Acceleration Classes, Evaluation, Inclusion/Exclusion


The aim ofthis study is to discuss the Flux Correction Project, developed in Toledo, Paraná, between 1997 and 1998, through the analysis of interviews made with teachers involved in the execution of a pedagogical proposal. The centralization of the evaluation in the innovative project is discussed and it can be noticed that it is affected by the organizational way of the pedagogical work. lt is also discussed the formation of teachers, who are placed as a strategic point in arder to revert the failure route of students- the capacity and innovation in the proposal. The contradictions presented in this project are an object of teachers' reflection and an opportunity for them to wonder about the real possibilities of social inclusion of the students who have been participa ing in the project. This problem is analysed considering the educational policies in the neoliberal context.


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How to Cite

Sordi, M. R. L. D., & Rippel, V. C. L. (2002). INNOVATIVE PROJECTS: CONTEXTUALIZING PARANÁ’S CASE. Revista De Educação PUC-Campinas, (13). Retrieved from


