
  • César Augusto Ortolani
  • João Baptista de Almeida Junior


Higher Education, Teaching Practice, Cross-Oisciplinary, Advertisement Teaching


This article provides a brief analysis of the term cross-disciplinary and two approaches to cross­disciplinary practices to teach Social Communication with Propaganda and Publicity certification. The purpose is to demonstrate that reflections must be made on the apparent modernity and intangibility of the term in education. Such reflections may revert the theoretical perception of the term into lhe concrete praxis of cross-disciplinary teaching - even at university-level Publicity teaching, which is an area that has possibilities of approaches that are potentially linked to lhe exercise of a technicist teaching that is too market-oriented, but which can be reverted into a criticai, social and transforming cross-disciplinary practice.


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How to Cite

Ortolani, C. A., & de Almeida Junior, J. B. (2004). TWO APPROACHES TO CROSS-DISCIPLINARITY IN ADVERTISEMENT HIGHER EDUCATION . Revista De Educação PUC-Campinas, (17). Retrieved from


