Post-graduation, Professional Master, ResearchAbstract
The article presents and discusses the proposal of the new modality of a post- graduate course created by the Co-ordination for the lmprovement of Superior Education Personnel, the Professional Masters Program. lt presents the elements contained in Oecree 47/95 and Resolution 80/1998 and develops a criticai analysis of the modality of course it refers to. The argument is based on the identification of the serious risk presented by this course in post-graduation stricto sensu, pointing out the threat that it represents to the Academic Masters Program in function of practically impairing the only space of new researchers in formation in the diverse areas of know/edge in Brazil. Without being unaware of the relevance of improving professionals in a short period to meet the demands of updating new technologies, the text questions if such a goal ought to be reached by means of this modality of course whose nature is c/oser to a specialized course lato sensu. The use of this nomenclatura is equally questioned, given its ambiguity that confusas the differences between the academic and professional modalities of the Masters Program by attributing unjustifiab/e status and privileges to this levei of education.
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