Education as an experience from stories told and read
moments of creativity and recreation of childhood
Children’s literature, Child reader, Imagination and creativity in early childhood, Storytelling, NarrativeAbstract
This paper presents the results of a University research and extension project conducted at an institution that provides support to children and adolescents in the city of Marília, state of São Paulo, in 2010. This project focuses on reading and storytelling activities to stimulate children to become readers and increase their cultural repertoire. The theoretical reflection
is based on the studies of Vygotsky, Bakhtin and Benjamin. The practical activities were organized based on authors such as Bajard, Freinet and Coelho; and the choice of the literary works and stories follow the criteria described in the text. The activities were used with the purpose of motivating children and teenagers to read. We observed significant changes in participants, namely: better vocabulary and engagement in activities proposed. The data collected is presented in the text in the form of speech transcripts and in the reports of the book of life.
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