
  • Ana Maria Campos
  • Diléia Aparecida Martins
  • Juliana Mantelatto
  • Luciana Teston Sivalle
  • Wânia Cristina Tedeschi Rampazzo


Formation of the Educator-Researcher, Construction of Knowledge, Self-Biographical Writing


This text aims to discuss the formation of the educator as a process experienced through all life. At the point he attends his Master degree school, new perspectives, challenges, and fears come up to him, once they place him in a context of a socially recognized research, considered as a production area for scientific knowledge. To question the procedures of knowledge production and its role in society is also the educator’s duty, once he is in a level of self-formation as a researcher. The text defends the idea that the academic context is powerful for the incursion in new formative experiences for it promotes the social contact among people of different politic and theoretical views, allowing debates with a diversity of ideas and actions. The biographical construction demands a long way in a world in constant transformations, requiring from the educator a permanent reflective attitude about his practice in the educational environment. This biographical writing intends to share with other researchers the experiences at the beginning of this journey.


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How to Cite

Campos, A. M., Martins, D. A., Mantelatto, J., Sivalle, L. T., & Rampazzo, W. C. T. (2007). A MASTER DEGREE STUDENT? ME? . Revista De Educação PUC-Campinas, (23). Retrieved from https://seer.sis.puc-campinas.edu.br/reveducacao/article/view/177



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