Teacher Training, Schooling, Critical Theory and PsychoanalysisAbstract
In this study we aimed at analyzing the following question: how do Critical Theory and Psychoanalysis’
researches analyze television acting and its possible interference in children’s education and development concerning suggested manners and world conceptions? The bibliographical review on this theme is built upon the Critical Theory perspective which analyses the way the cultural industry has contributed to standardizing and equalizing young people’s and children’s tastes, preferences, needs and thought, for it spreads up ethical and aesthetic values which lead to a false participation in social experience. In this context, decision making about consumption preferences and tastes seems to really come from children. Psychoanalysis studies, included in the bibliographical review, analyze 7-to-10 year old children’s tastes and preferences in television contents. A semi-structured
interview was applied to twelve 7-to-10 year old children in order to identify which television contents are in children’s tastes and preferences.
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