Educational nutritional intervention program improved the quality of diet of women with breast cancer in adjuvant treatment


  • Sheyla DE LIZ Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Francilene Gracieli Kunradi VIEIRA Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Ana Paula Gines GERALDO Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Maria Alice Altenburg de ASSIS Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Patricia Faria DI PIETRO Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina


Breast neoplasms, Cancer survivors, Clinical trial, Food consumption, Food habit


To assess the outcome of an educational nutritional intervention in the quality of diet of women with breast cancer in adjuvant treatment.

Women with breast cancer and admitted for surgical treatment were divided in an intervention group (n=18) and a comparison group (n=78), and participated in a nonrandomized clinical trial. Participants were assessed before and after the treatment and/or intervention. A food frequency questionnaire was applied and the quality of diet was calculated using the Brazilian Healthy Eating Index Revised. The educational nutritional intervention lasted 12 months and was carried out through phone calls twice a month, personal meetings, and monthly handouts. It oriented an intake of at least 400g of vegetables and fruits per day and at most 500g of red/processed meat per week.

We observed a significant improvement in the diet quality of the intervention group (+5.7). Nutritional education in the intervention group reached its objectives, with a rise in the intake of vegetables and fruits reflecting a significant increase in the score of total fruits (+1.9) and whole fruits (+1.1), and a decrease in the score of meat, eggs, and legumes (-3.3) by means of a reduction in the intake of red/processed meat (p<0.05). Also, a rise in the punctuation of calories from solid fats, alcohol, and added sugar was observed (+5.0, p<0.05) due to lower intake of these components. The comparison group presented no significant differences.

The nutritional intervention contributed to improving the quality of the diet during breast cancer treatment and possibly altered these women’s prognoses.


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Como Citar

DE LIZ, S. ., Kunradi VIEIRA, F. G., Gines GERALDO, A. P. ., Altenburg de ASSIS, M. A. ., & Faria DI PIETRO, P. . (2023). Educational nutritional intervention program improved the quality of diet of women with breast cancer in adjuvant treatment. Revista De Nutrição, 33. Recuperado de




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