Trends in food consumption of schoolchildren from 2nd to 5th grade: a panel data analysis
Child, Food consumption, Nutritional surveillanceResumo
To identify trends in food consumption among schoolchildren (2nd-5th grades) from public schools in the city of Florianópolis, Brazil, in a period of three years.
Three cross-sectional surveys were carried out in 2013 (n=1,942), 2014 (n=1,989) and 2015 (n=2,418). Dietary intake data were obtained using the Web-Based Food Intake and Physical Activity of Schoolchildren questionnaire. Food items were aggregated to eight food groups. Kruskal-Wallis heterogeneity and trend tests were used to analyze the differences and trends among the mean intake frequency of food groups.
There were trends to decrease the mean intake frequency of sweets in the total sample (2013: 0.72±0.91; 2014: 0.68±0.87; 2015: 0.67±0.89, p=0.03) which was determined by children between 7-9 years old (2013:0.69±0.88; 2014: 0.64±0.85; 2015: 0.62±0.87, p=0.02), and boys (2013: 0.75±0.90; 2014: 0.70±0.86; 2015:0.68±0.88, p=0.03). Younger children also tended to increase the mean intake frequency of fruits and vegetables(2013: 1.03±1.35; 2014: 1.16±1.45; 2015: 1.17±1.41, p=0.03) and those aged ten-12 years decreased theirintake of dairy products (2013: 1.32±1.25; 2014: 1.23±1.18; 2015: 1.20±1.20, p=0.05).
The results suggest positive trends for younger children, with an increased consumption of fruits and vegetablesin both sexes and decreased consumption of sweets for boys. Older children reduced their consumption of dairyproducts over the three-year period of this study.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Luciana Jeremias PEREIRA, Patrícia de Fragas HINNIG, Patrícia Faria DI PIETRO, Maria Alice Altenburg de ASSIS, Francilene Gracieli Kunradi VIEIRA

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