Learning Evaluation, Superior Education, Practical EvaluationAbstract
This article takes the learning evaluation as an object of study in the superior teaching of the Course of Pedagogy of the Universidade Estadual da Bahia – Jequié. It identifies the evaluation conception of learning, the practical evaluations developed by the professors and the opinion of the students about this course. The research shows that the professor has a conception of evaluation of learning to service the students. However, the data points that these evaluations consist of tests, seminaries and group works, giving priority to the last one as evaluation methodology, in detriment to the individual processes, which is distant from the conception related by the professors. The students have a critical view of this process and understand that it is done to fulfill rituals, to receive grades and to approve or not. There was divergence between students and teachers in the characterization of these practices. In spite of the conceptual advancement in the school evaluation, practices are conservative, showing that the professors have a renewed speech, but in fact there are no significant changes in the classroom.
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