
  • Rodrigo Torquato da Silva


School-slums, Knowledge, Disobedience and power


The objective of this article is to present a doutorado research of, in progress, and to argue problematic historical concerning the existing tensionamentos in the relation schools popular public-classrooms. I bring as starting point, for problematização, two situations lived deeply in pub/ic schools in different periods. Both involve trajectories of tives and strategies of survival. The conflicts between the learning logics that some students outside construct of the school and the attempts of framings in models of institucional behaviors are the central point of the quarrel the one that I consider myself here. I bring for the debate the question of the colonialidade of knowing. I search theoretical recital in Quijano and Boaventura Saints, anchoring me in the eurocentrismo slight knowledge and epistemicídio to try to understand the processes of exclusion and estigmatização of those students of public schools that construct logics of knowledge is of the school, and that they are not fit in the models, in contrast, they defy the models. However, in function ofthis, guests are considered transgressive and constantly ifto remove ofthe schools, despite such "invitation" is made of subtle and not legalized form.


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How to Cite

Silva, R. T. da. (2009). SCHOOL-SLUMS, KNOWLEDGE, DISOBEDIENCE AND POWER: "DON’T THEY HAVE A GOOD HEAD FOR SCHOOL?". Revista De Educação PUC-Campinas, (27). Retrieved from


