Cultural-historical psychology and study activity in East Germany: contributions from the Berlin group
contribuciones del grupo de Berlín
Berlin group, Joaquin Lompscher, German Democratic RepublicAbstract
The article discusses the insertion of historical-cultural psychology and the activity of study in East Germany as a synthesis of theoretical and documentary research carried out on production, the experimental method and the interpretations elaborated in Germany, focusing on the contributions of the pedagogue and psychologist Joaquim Lompscher The results were organized based on the systematization of the author’s life, thought and work; the analysis of the Berlin group’s interpretations and contributions to the study activity; and investigation of the experimental work carried out. The study reveals that the entry of cultural-historical psychology and study activity in the East Germany was marked by resistance and was due to the Herculean work of the group led by Joaquim Lompscher. The experimental activity it carries out brings contributions to prove the potential developer of the method from the abstract to the concrete, through the study of the processes of abstraction and generalization, as well as the production of general models for solving problems in different subjects. The Berlin group produced specific interpretations on the human constitution, study, activity and its components, as well as on the role of the subject of the activity. The extension of experimental studies in German territory represented an important contribution to the construction of the Study Activity Theory, either because of its potential for continuity or because of the interpretations carried out.
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