Intervention program in self-regulated learning: impact on knowledge and on perceptions of undergraduate students
Acquisition of knowledge, Learning, Self-learning, Learning strategies, Teacher trainingAbstract
The teacher must have varied knowledge and skills to assume the educative task, given the Education scope and complexity. The present study reports the results of an intervention program in the self-regulatory processes of undergraduate students. It was aimed at assessing whether the intervention contributed to expand students’ knowledge about the concept of self-regulation of learning, to improve their perceptions of themselves, as students and as future teachers, and to increase their intention to pursue a teaching career. Social Cognitive theory was employed as a theoretical framework. The sample consisted of 50 students from three third-semester classes from different undergraduate courses. The participants were randomly assigned to three groups: Experimental Group I and II and Control Group. Data was collected through conceptual and self-reflective questions and examined by using Content Analysis. Results revealed that the students in the experimental groups demonstrated a better understanding of the concept of self-regulation of learning after the intervention, when compared to the control group. Results concerning having better perceptions about themselves, as students and as future teachers were more modest. Furthermore, the intervention did not influence the students’ desire to pursue a teaching career. The importance of the results for the discussion about the effectiveness of intervention programs in teacher education is highlighted.
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