Narratives of children of the 1st year of Elementary School about skin color
Skin color, Drawing, Children’s literature, Children’s narrativesAbstract
The present article refers to an excerpt of a master’s research that investigated children’s literature and drawing as mediating elements in children’s narratives. Conducted in a 1st grade class of a public primary school in the countryside of São Paulo, the study, whose theoretical discussions are based on the historical-cultural perspective, planned storytelling sessions that would be narrated with the help of puppets. After listening to the story, the children talked about it and produced drawings. The objective of this text is to analyze the narratives and the drawings made by the children after reading the book “O Amor Tem Todas as Cores”, which focuses on the issue of color difference, and look for evidence of stereotypes of skin color. The children did not express this type of stereotype; however, the limits of the context in which the research took place were considered.
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