Faculdade de Educação da PUC-Campinas e a educação à distância


  • Suely Galli Soares
  • Suzy Mari Pregnolato
  • Katia Moreno Caiado
  • Maria Eugênia Castanho


Distance Learning, technology, learning, computers


In this paper, the authors discuss distance learning and the issues it brings out about the educational system in the context of modem times and new technologies implicated in teaching/learning relations. The historical aspects of distance learning in Brasil arouse conceptual and methodological issues which reveal challenges to the educator. The Public Law 9394/96 (LDB) presents 9 articles which direct distance learning for Brasil, pointing towards the need to contextualíze Brazilian
reality, the need for introducing computers in schools and the need to understand the various issues raised by their use. Such reflections have motivated studies and discussions in the School of Education at the Catholic University of Campinas, in an attempt to advance beyond a position based on prejudice to a position of forming a conxtualized concept of distance learning which must be conscious of its limitations and coherent wfth an Educational Project which remains committed to social welfare


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How to Cite

Soares, S. G., Pregnolato, S. M., Caiado, K. M., & Castanho, M. E. (1999). Faculdade de Educação da PUC-Campinas e a educação à distância. Revista De Educação PUC-Campinas, 3(7). Retrieved from https://seer.sis.puc-campinas.edu.br/reveducacao/article/view/424


