Universities, Values, Educador Development, New ParadigmAbstract
In this paper, we begin by expressing a visible indignation with the present state of inertia with regard
to the current ways of thinking and proceeding in Education in ali areas: teaching, learning and in
society as a whole. The present educational system demands urgent changes - this is both wellknown
and widely discussed - and here we present a reliable procedure to achieve this goal. Paths
for renewal emerge from crucial theoretical studies. We go on to discuss the role of the universities
in the society in which we live and the historical references to concepts of pedagogical procedures, which have already been put into practice. We then present arguments in favour of the humanization
of knowledge and history as a witness of its continuous investigation. The recognition of systemic,
complex and ethical thought is, therefore, the leverage necessary to solve the existing paradigmatic
crisis. The new model suggests a new dimension with regard to the concern felt with developing
teachers, educators and the curriculum. Finally, we conclude that universities should be privileged
spaces for the discussion of pedagogical activity. AIl academic work should be transversely imbibed
with values, vision and mission; in other words, humanizing the spirit, atmosphere and dynamics
that characterize educational endeavours.
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