Education and human development
a comparative approximation among education, environment and health
Education and development, Programmer for international student assessment, Organization for economic co-operation and development, Comparative educationAbstract
This study is addressed to be a contribution in the debate about education and development from a contextualist and comparative approach. Indeed, the results based on standard tests, such as PISA, applied in schools have opened a new phase in the educational policies. In spite of this advance, the risk is interpreting these results without taking into consideration the different contexts from which they emerge. In this sense, this study highlights the questions: what is the
real society behind the results data provided by the standard tests? what comparisons are possible to explore among the educational, environmental and health variables? This research compares the results of PISA (2006) in science in 18 countries with environmental (CO2 emission) and health (cancer, obesity, tobacco addiction, suicide) variables. In addition, the study proposes a typology of the human development based on the relationship among these variables.
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