Teaching and Learning in “Projetação", Co-operative Learning, Organization and EvaluationAbstract
Curriculum orientation for diverse professions suggests the participation of students in group work during their studies so that they develop those socio-academic skills needed in their professiona\future. From a psychological point of view, social interaction in performing group tasks leads to cooperative learning, promoting more efficient construction of knowledge. On the practical side. the daIly student routine af alternate periods of working and attending classes has limited the degree of involvement with the subjects of their course and the time available for study. In this sense, the perspective of cooperative group work is that in this way the students’ activities will lead to cooperative learning, the opposite of individual and fragmented; these activities effectively involve the students in the tasks to be done by their group, as well as in the definition of attitudes which promote productive social interaction; and the activity of the professor becomes one of active oríentation, This study is part of a project developed at PUC-Campinas based on principles of “projetação” [a process to design and to implementation], which aims to introduce learning methodologies, rethink program content and organize and promote the interaction of Mathematics and the Electrical Engineering context.
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