Engineering Higher Education, First-year Student Profile, Teaching QualityAbstract
The purpose of this article is to make considerations on the aspects related to the profile of the student
who is addmited to the Exact Science and Engineering Area. The data were collected through interviews with notable teachers/researchers in the area, and also through a questionary answered by 617 first-year students at PUC-Campinas in 2001. The interviewed students’ statements regarding to the pupils profile question were classified into two kinds of answers: some of them state that the students are not well prepared, whereas others disagree to this statement. The interviews also pointed out that the University should adapt itself as well as promote the knowledge homogenization through special programs, in order to accomplish its role of preparing more qualified professionals. The interviwed students consider that a solid instruction of the basic concepts is very important. On the other hand, the analysis of the survey held with the first-year students pointed to several differences
among the various courses. Such differences were related to their personal features , their background ,
the perception of their own performance, as well as the reasons for choosing their major. The results suggest that it is very important to provide pedagogic actions which take into account the student profile of each course
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