Education and Work, ldeology, Official Curriculum, Revolutionary PraxisAbstract
The text deals with the praxis as the man's material activity which turns the natural and social world into a human one. The author proposes to transpose such ideas to the relations which are present at the school institutions. From a historical perspective, it's necessary to reflect on some events which are related to the introduction of the industrial capitalism and of mass schools, considering some workers· resistance and how the school has been used by the industry, specially regarding the discipline of individuais, proving that education and work have always been in e/ase and strong relation. The official curriculum, however, is sti/1 a vehicle for transmission and imposition of private interests. lt is the educators· role, therefore, recognizing the curriculum as a social and cultural product, built bythe society according to its context. There is no use denying the existence ofthe official curriculum for the school structure nor ignoring its ideological and e/itist aspect. lt is necessary to offer a criticai look over it and tum the school into a roam for the revelation of the dominant ideology, transforming its practice into a real revolutionary praxis.
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