Disability, Special Education, Art HistoryAbstract
The aim of this project is to study the roots of prejudice by ana!ysing pictorial representations of disability and mental illness, as we/1 as treatment contexts revealed in art history from 1500 to 2000. The underlying premice is that artists, in the name of col/ective society, express stereotypes present in their time and place in history. The images they construe, in tum shape the way society views the disabled. The justification for this project is that it enables us to see how representations are formed, how they are revealed and reproduced. Understanding such processes should enable us to promote changes in the petrified views and misconceptions about disabilities of present society. Besides scanning art history over the last 500 years, this study also proposes an interdisciplinary approach, leading to a discussion of art history related to the history of special education, Our aim is to prepare a data bank on the subject, in the form of a Cd-rom, and in the future a web-site, to serve as resource material for teaching and research in Special Education Courses.
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