Teachers’ Education, Pedagogy Course, Moral JuiceAbstract
This paper aimed at verifying what kind of moral reasoning is used by the Pedagogy students at UNIVÁS – Universidade do Vale do Sapucaí. In order to do so, it was asked the students to answer the questions in the Heinz dilemma proposed by Kohlberg (1984). 88 students enrolled at the Pedagogy course took part in the study, their ages ranged from 18 and 48 years old, being them both female and male ones. Among the 88 students, 15 are enrolled in the first year of the course, 29 in the second, 16 in the third one and 28 students are in the last year of the course. The individuals were classified according to the moral development level as stated by Kohlberg (1984). The results showed that the students can be classified under three levels, being most of them (63%) under the level II. It was possible to conclude that it is necessary to improve the moral development of the Pedagogy course students so that they can reach the level III of the moral development and, thus, develop moral autonomy to better place themselves in the professional field and for the benefit of their future students.
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