Higher Education, Learning Quality, Quality Indicators, Languages and ArtsAbstract
This article is an analysis of the learning quality problem as an important category to the educational task in higher education. It is the result of a team research sub-project entitled: “The question of quality in Higher Education in a society engaged in a process of accelerated change: the meaning, critical revision and proposals for its development”, which was accomplished in 2003 by a group of teachers from master degree of PUC-Campinas. The empiric data were collected through interviews with 12 well-known professionals in Language and Arts who work for several universities of our country. In order to obtain the necessary data, a roll of questions about the teaching problems most of the IES face nowadays, not only in Brazil but also abroad. We would like to point out the following items of the questions list: the basic qualities of the professional profile, who graduated in the above mentioned areas; the students unpreparedness facing the quality requirements of the area and the course; the evaluation of proposals which emphasize the learning to learn and share the learning process responsibility between the teacher and the student.
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