
  • Paulo Jorge de Oliveira Carvalho


Professional education, São Paulo, Press


The country of Brazil during the First Repub/ican Period wasa p/ace with many important transformations concerning the history of its economic development. Sti/1 during the Einpire period, the emergence in São Paulo of the capita/ist economy was possib/e due to the expansion of the coffee industry that

{located in the area called "Vale do Paraíba" and /ater in the West ofthe state - São Paulo) settled in Brazil the mark ofthe export capita/ist economy and concentrated around itself a meaningful group of workers. Thus, the growth of the capitalist economy made another aspect possible: key e/ements for the emergence (specially during the Republican Period), of an industrial urban ambience organized according to the work connected to the commercial sectorThis present work has as its central issue, the characterization of the bond between the job market and the schoo/s where qua/ifications were demanded for the workers in arder to enter the business sector in one of the most important urban centres of the country, between 1920 and 1930. The theme about professional education and education in schoo/ has as a perspective, here, the study of the re/ation between the demand for professional qualification asked by São Paulo·s commercial sector and the role of the professional education in the configuration of the workers, profile of this sector. ln arder to accomp/ish this issue, advertisements from the newspapers are a source of ana/ysis (an intersection between the commercial sector and the offer of human resources). Thus, it is possible to show the way that the society of São Paulo organizes the commercia/ sector, according to the mídia (press) pressure, in search of qua/ified professionals that were ab/e to work at that sector in that period of time


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How to Cite

Carvalho, P. J. de O. (2006). SÃO PAULO: THE NEWSPAPER AS AN JNTERMEDIATE AMONG THE COMMERCJAL SECTOR, THE JOB MARKET AND THE SCHOOL (1920-1930). Revista De Educação PUC-Campinas, (20). Retrieved from https://seer.sis.puc-campinas.edu.br/reveducacao/article/view/225


