Union Education, Working Class, Union MovementAbstract
To reflect on and share ideas and experiences about the working class, its organizations and its organic instances has become especially relevant in the g/obalized capitalism situation and its con sequences. One of the instances and spaces that the union movement, especially the unionism of CEOSL, has deve/oped is education. Taking a retrospective /ook at the history of union education during the last twe/ve years not on/y permits us to identify experiences but a/so he/ps us establish the judgment criteria that is pertinent to assessing the process. Furthermore, an introspective view he/ps us to penetrate the very inner workings of education in its concepts, suppositions, practices, successes and failures, and at the sarne to enter into the very experience of people, their hopes and fears, and their existence that mark the actions of education with special meaning. A projected view a/so he/ps us to ref/ect about horizons, debating about what is /acking to materialize aspirations, ho pes and desires, to deve/op the political horizons that make a coherent practice possible. The first part of the document will deal with the contexts within which union education is developed from this perspective. The second part will dee! with union education experiences in CEOSL for the past 12 years. The third part will deal with the concepts of education and its consequents.
CONFEDERACIÓN EQUATORIANADE ORGA NIZACIONES SINDICALES LIBRES (CEOSL). XV Congreso Nacional Ordinario. Documen tos de Apoyo, s.e., Quito, 2003a.
CONFEDERACIÓN EQUATORIANADE ORGA NIZACIONES SINDICALES LIBRES (CEOSL). XV Congreso Nacional Ordinario. Informe dei Comité Ejecutivo, s.e., Quito, 2003b.
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