Economy, Education, Human ResourcesAbstract
During the decades of 50, 60 and 70 different proper conceptions of the economic development (planning, growing, efficiency) has been introduced, establishing severa/ enterprise practices in edu cational institutions such as the schoo/ and the family As a consequence, these practices become in production centers since diverse economical ana/ysis. There, it's available to app/y administrative and countable toais bounded to reduce costs and increase the entry.
Moreover, different axiologica/ transformations are verified and proceed to the formation of new values re/ated to the productive commitment (so/idarity, cooperativism) and new behaviors that promote the segregation according to productive impossibilities. These transformations follow to theoretical elections if they are developed in the standard (model) of modernizising purposes and fortify the pro fessionalizing treatment that has been developing decades ago in arder to solve population problems. This is a pedagogical study developed since an economical analysis. lts objective is to analyze the effects of practices directly related to educative and cultural practices during the decades of the first modernizing purpose for Latin America. The objective is to examine the infallibility of the economical discipline, following its strategies and his performances in exclusive sceneries of the social future such as the education, moral behavior, mysticism and family life very closely.
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