University `Pedagogy, Pedagogical Innovations, University TeachingAbstract
The university in the perspective of rupturing with technical rationality has been the object of innovations, which aspire to a new configuration of knowledge that surpasses the dichotomy perspective imposed by modemity. Research about "University lnvestigation: Emancipating Energies in Neo-/iberal Times" has been analyzing pedagogica/ practices in undergraduate courses in higher education that stimulate the reconfiguration of know/edge related to teaching and leaming. ln this communication, we selected for analysis the testimonies of teachers who are the protagonists of experiences that disrupt the traditiona/ practices of teaching and leaming, favoring the possibility of articulation between diverse types of know/edge. They make use of new rationalities, which attain the relationship between theory-practice. These experiences seem to be fundamental, especial/y in the context of the public policies of institutional eva/uation, which, in Brazil, have been estab/ishing aregulatory ethos that favors the /ogic of productivity without valuing differences and their emancipative condition.
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