Authorship in the digital world
the curriculum in the voice of the subjects of learning
Virtual learning environments, Curriculum and technology, Technologies in educationAbstract
This article presents a reflection on the use of Internet radio and takes as its point of departure and arrival, the voice of the subjects teacher and student, mediatized by technology, while favoring participation in the construction of the curriculum and learning. It analyzes the case of “Rádio Jacaré FM”, built and operated in a kindergarten school, with the aim of sharing share a picture of Master thesis developed seeking to offer theoretical support, and discuss the central argument
of the research from the data collected, based on the epistemology of Paulo Freire, on the role of digital information and communication as a tool to enable individuals to express their voice in the spaces of the classroom, school, in the world - especially in the digital world, and empower themselves. To this end, the research makes use of qualitative approach,
with contributions from the case study, and use of semi-structured interviews and focus groups as data collection techniques. The research showed that the expression of voice mediatized by digital technologies of information and communication favors the assumption of teacher and student as subjects and authors of the curriculum, and empowers them as it provides them with the opportunity to create and recreate their own history in and with the world, enabling them to learn.
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