Ethics, Aesthetics, Environmental EducationAbstract
The challenge of environmental education demands a re-signification of the meaning of educating,
which requires the enlivenment of human non-rational dimensions. It is necessary to re-educate the
human being for sensitiveness giving way to imagination, creaüvity, affectivíty, and aesthetíc
sensitiveness and, at the same time, awake his thoughtfulness and criticalíty. However these are not
dísconnected ways once the aesthetic experience has the power of leading to a re-construction of
values and to the awakening of the ethics of the essence. This relation between ethics and aesthetics
and the meaning that it can have for environmental education is the reason of the consideratÊons
developed in the present theoretical paper that goes through aesthetic theory, with Quintás, Dufrenne,
Duarte, Schopenhauer and Maffesoli, and through critical theory.
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