
  • Helenice Maria Gonçalves


Ethics, Transversal Themes, Teachers


This paper has searched for the concept of ethics implicit/explicit in texts produced by several
specialists on the topic that make part of the first volume of the National Curricular Parameters (NCP)
for the first segment of Fundamental Education (1’ to 4tF' years – or 1=' and 2d cycles), as well as those
in the 8" volume, Transversal Themes and Ethics. In these documents, teachers are designated
mainly as vectors for valid ethical and moral values, being in charge of broaching subjects related
to ethics and moral values at any time, during the lessons pertaíning to every subject contemplated
in the school curriculum. Since teachers are essential professionals for the students’ knowledge
building, in pedagogic medíation between contents and forms of expression, in designing and
conducting the educational experience, in the occurrence of didactical situations and in building the
school, to which they contribute their values, knowledge and competence, their notíons of ethícs are contaminated by their ideologies, values and contradictions which, in turn, will impregnate the notions of ethics constructed by children and adolescents, since they are also disseminated in their school practice


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How to Cite

Gonçalves, H. M. (2007). TEACHERS AND THE TRANSVERSAL THEME ETHICS. Revista De Educação PUC-Campinas, (22). Retrieved from https://seer.sis.puc-campinas.edu.br/reveducacao/article/view/193


