
  • Lenita Gama Cambaúva
  • Silvana Calvo Tuleski


Psychology History, Historical Materialism, Subjectivity


The purpose of this text is, through an analysis of Saviani’s thought (2004), to consider the categories
problematization and reflexion as a way to approach the concept of the subjectivity in psychology, and to search for the possibility of constitution of a psychology considered critical. To this reflection, we also propose the analysis of Vigotski’s thought (1996), when, identifying the psychology crisis, he considers dualist what he calls bourgeois psychology, hence it separates subjectivity and objectivity not only in the psychological theories but in the practice ones, and reaches, due to the exclusion of one of those terms by the adoption of the formal logic, either the mechanistic materialism, or idealism and, both, the metaphysics. This author, according to the Marxist reference, proposes a critical
psychology that surpasses the previous ones. He does this by considering the dialectic relation between objectivity and subjectivity in the human constitution, that is, man’s constitution in its multiple relations, or the concrete man postulated by Saviani (2004). Such conception of man, that does not operate with the logic of exclusion, is considered here the way to overcome the crisis that still devastates psychology today.


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How to Cite

Cambaúva, L. G., & Tuleski, S. C. (2007). THE PSEUDO-CONCRETIVITY OF THE CONCEPT OF THE SUBJECTIVITY IN PSYCHOLOGY. Revista De Educação PUC-Campinas, (23). Retrieved from


