Henry Wallon, Rousseau, The New Education, Progressive PedagogyAbstract
The work herein presented composes “The pedagogical thought of Henri Wallon. Education and Marxism”. We analyze how Wallon read “Émile or on Education”, by Rousseau, whose introduction he wrote for the 1958 edition. We seek to point to the progressive elements and the contradictions of the French Group of New Education (GFEN) presided by Wallon. The critique of “Émile” serves as evidence of the approval of Rousseau’s psychology, except when regarding the feminine, just as the recognition of the contrasts, paradoxes and antitheses, characteristics of Rousseau’s thinking, point to a “dialectic spirit”, which Wallon much praises. On the other hand, the position attributed to society, and its proposal of a highly individualistic education, are the point of rupture between the
bourgeois pedagogy - which Wallon found in “Émile” and which he criticizes in several new-scholars - and the progressive pedagogy, whose fundamental principals are presented in the work of Wallon analyzed here.
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