Brazilian Education, Public Education, Educational Policies, Social Policies and Educational PoliciesAbstract
The educational policies concern the decisions that the Government, that is the State, takes regarding the education. Therefore, dealing with the limits and perspectives of the Brazilian educational policies
implies in examining the scope of the educational measures taken by the Brazilian State.
There would be many aspects to be considered regarding the limits of the Brazilian educational policies. I think, however, that many of the limitations derive, in last instance, from two structural characteristics that cross the action of the Brazilian State in the field of the education from its origins until today, and by that I mean the historical resistance that the leading elites present to the maintenance of the public education, and the discontinuity, also historical, of the educational
measures defended by the State. The first limitation materializes in the traditional scarcity of the financial resources destined to education; the second is embodied in the interminable sequence of reforms, each one beginning again from scratch, and promising the definitive solution of the problems that go on endelessly. In the sequence I will try to explain how these two limitations have manifested themselves.
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