Educational Evaluation, Municipal Education, Evaluation of Wide ScaleAbstract
It enters the effected educational politics in a municipal education´s net city in the Rio Grande do Sul state, had been distinguished the executed actions of external educational evaluation in years 1990, whose resulted they had influenced in great measured the municipal net of education in screen. Leaving of one it searches documentary (periodicals, acts of meetings and reports), the text points out the decade of 1990, pointing the times of change in the education, designated for the educative reform taken to the handle through the Law of Lines of direction and Bases of the National Education (1996), of the National Curricular Parameters (1997) and of the National Plan of Education (2001). The decade was also marked by increasing the practical one of external evaluations in nets and education systems, practical gift in the examined city that, administration 1993/1996 emphasized the external control through the application of educational evaluations of wide scale, cause and effect of the increasing concern with the gauging of the quality of education. As result, the research points that the external evaluation was pioneering in the education net and such innovative character approached to practical form the educational politics of the context of classroom, becoming it
measurable, perceivable.
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Educação e Sociedade, vol.24, n. 84, p.873-895, Campinas: setembro de 2003.