Rediscovering tectonic scientific art




Abordagem tectônica, Metodologia analítica, Saber‑fazer, Teoria da tectônica


There are many ways to understand architecture, and one of them is through Tectonic Theory. Tectonic Theory arose in Germany in the middle of the nineteenth century, through the writings of Karl Otfried Müller, Karl Bötticher, and Gottfried Semper, and made a comeback in the 1990s with Kenneth Frampton and Gevork Hartoonian. The intention of Tectonic Theory is to narrow the relations between the culture of construc‑tion and architectural discourse, as it considers labor to rescue technique, craftsman‑ship, and tactility — a poetic reference to the tradition of construction as a means of expression. This paper aims to dive into the various facets of this theory, understanding its basic concepts through a method of tectonic analysis here called “tectonic approach”. This method seeks to stimulate a new understanding of the tectonic design process, demystifying the view that it is hard to understand


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Author Biography

Aristóteles de Siqueira Campos Cantalice II, Universidade Católica de Pernambuco

Universidade Catolica de Pernambuco | Centro de Ciencias Tecnologicas | Departamento de Arquitetura e Urbanismo | R. do Principe, 526, Boa Vista, 50050‑900, Recife, PE, Brasil.


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How to Cite

Cantalice II, A. de S. C. (2018). Rediscovering tectonic scientific art. Oculum Ensaios - ISSNe 2318-0919, 15(2), 247–269.