Assessment of gastronomic heritage quality in traditional restaurants


  • Paula Lazzarin UGGIONI Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Rossana Pacheco da Costa PROENÇA Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Lúcia Andréia Zanette Ramos ZENI Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Palabras clave:

Food services, Food quality, Food handling


This article discusses the concern with the preservation of gastronomical identity in regional dishes and proposes a methodology to increase the appreciation for these dishes, associating sensory and symbolic quality with current legislation on hygiene and sanitation.

A qualitative research in the form of a multicase study was done in traditional Azorean restaurants in a Southern, Brazilian city. Data were collected during the preparation of the dishes, using forms based on the systems Nutritional and Sensory Quality Assessment in Meal Production and Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points.

The results showed that it is difficult to control the process when methodologies and legislation that concerns the degree of hygiene and sanitation are followed, which results in changes to the traditional recipes that could lead to significant heritage losses.

Thus, by administering the method called Assessment of Gastronomic Heritage Quality, an adequate control of hygiene and sanitation was achieved, preserving the symbolic and sensory character of the typical dish.


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Cómo citar

Lazzarin UGGIONI, P., Pacheco da Costa PROENÇA, R., & Zanette Ramos ZENI, L. A. (2023). Assessment of gastronomic heritage quality in traditional restaurants. Revista De Nutrição, 23(1). Recuperado a partir de

