Strategies for the promotion of healthy, adequate and sustainable food in Brazil in times of Covid-19
Coronavirus, Diet, food, and nutrition, Diet, healthy, Food production, Sustainable developAbstract
The current scenario generated by the Covid-19 pandemic enhances the condition of food and nutrition insecurity due to the worsening of poverty, hunger and lack of access to food, as well as the excess consumption of foods considered unhealthy. The effects of the pandemic enhances the need for a new way of arranging the production, distribution and consumption of food, giving new meaning to the relationship between food, eating and the environment. Thus, it is suggested that a reflection be made on the strategies for the appropriate healthy, adequate and sustainable diet in Brazil to face this health emergency. Actions must be focused on thearticulation of strategies that foster sovereignty, food and nutrition security and healthier and more sustainable
food systems such as the strengthening of family farming; income assurance for the population; access to quality food; changes in the food environment; dissemination of information on healthy and sustainable food in official recommendations for the pandemic and food guides covering the entire food system, as well as food and nutrition education practices.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Suellen Secchi MARTINELLI, Suzi Barletto CAVALLI, Rafaela Karen FABRI, Marcela Boro VEIROS, Amélia Borba Costa REIS, Ligia AMPARO-SANTOS

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