Application of the questionnaire to evaluate the quality of life of medical student in health public school of Brasília, Brazil
Education, Medical, Undergraduate, Education, medical, Quality of lifeAbstract
To evaluate the quality of life of medical student in school of Brasília and to correlate them to possible interferences, in order to support the process of academic management.
Descriptive cross-sectional study. based on case report, Theree hundred forty-five students of a medical school, from first to sixth college years were analyzed
through the application of the questÊonnaire to evaluate the quality of life of medical student according to Physical, Time, Management, Teaching Environment, Psychological and General Domains. The study was approved by the local ethícs committee
Different ways to enter the course: 77.1 Q/, of respondents were from broad competition, 19.7'>/, from vacancies for social quotas, 3.2c’/, transferred from other institutions. According to General, Physical, Teaching enviroment and
Psychological domains, the 2-d year showed the highest and the 4tt' showed the lowest score for quality of life compared to other years of the course (p<0.05). fn the Time Management domain, there was no statistícal difference between years.
Finally, the total score presented 2’''’ year as the best quality of life at the school and fourth year as the worst, followed by the 6th year (p<0.05)
The analysis of the quality of life of student allows early intervention in the graduation ir order to minimize the consequences of factors that generate stress, These data were important for the restructuring of policy development and support
to students.
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