The use of porticoes in greco-roman urbanism

the spread of an urban integration function




Architecture, Porticoes, Greco-Roman urbanism


In addition to its structural and formal characteristics, the portico was an important element in Greco-Roman
urbanism, as a transition between open and built spaces, connecting the urban fabric, and creating areas of sociability for public use. Its use reached its peak in the Roman Empire, disseminating it systematically throughout its domain, with diversified purpose, technique, and materials, becoming a fundamental element of urbanism. Thus, based on a bibliographic
review and on-site visits, we seek to present a framework of references about the different types of use and functions of the porticos in the urban space, as well as those responsible for their construction, and the dissemination process throughout the territory of the Roman Empire. Since then, this architectural element has taken root in western urbanism, and continues, until this day, to offer citizens transition spaces between the interior and exterior of buildings, connecting streets, and offering special areas for the enjoyment of urban life.


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How to Cite

Carriço, J. M., & Salvi, A. E. (2023). The use of porticoes in greco-roman urbanism: the spread of an urban integration function. Oculum Ensaios - ISSNe 2318-0919, 20.



Research Article