
  • Ana Carla de Lira Bottura Secretaria de Habitação de Hortolândia



Global city, World city, Globalization, Mega-events, Olympics, Urban planning


Considering the current context of major Brazilian cities in preparation for the World
Cup 2014 and Rio de Janeiro for the 2016 Olympics — a moment of great importance
in the history of urban planning in our country — we propose a reflection about some
important processes that precede them. Among them, the process of globalization of cities has been causing serious implications in the urban space of contemporary metropolises resulting in some catastrophic consequences for local populations. Within this context international sporting mega-events have played a catalytic role in urban transformations and promotion of their host cities in the world economic-political scenario. In addition, these events are excellent opportunities for host cities to increase their rankings that support the networks of world cities. The aim of the article is to establish a relationship between the various aspects that determine and influence the development of a global city and organization of international mega-events, linking them to facts that are occurring during the preparation of the Brazilian cities for the Games, focusing on the case of Rio de Janeiro. Through the compilation of concepts and theoretical contributions from several authors, we sought to establish the connections to understand the consequences of economic globalization in the development of the urban space and the implications of the preparation process of host cities for these mega-events.


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Author Biography

Ana Carla de Lira Bottura, Secretaria de Habitação de Hortolândia

¹ Secretaria de Habitação de Hortolândia | Av. Olívio Franceschini, 2500, Remanso Campineiro, 13184-472, Hortolândia, SP, Brasil


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How to Cite

Bottura, A. C. de L. (2014). THE PARADIGM OF GLOBAL CITY AND THE OLYMPICS AT RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL. Oculum Ensaios - ISSNe 2318-0919, 11(1), 119–135.


