Physical and Social Accessibility in the territory
case studies from municipalities in Minas Gerais
Age-Friendly Brazil Strategy, Population aging, Access to the city, ElderlyAbstract
Considering that Brazil is an aging country and the state of Minas Gerais has high percentages of elderly population and high aging rates in its municipalities, which implies changes in economic, social and political
dynamics, and considering the importance of access to the city and the guarantee of safe housing for active and healthy aging, this study was proposed to verify whether municipalities in Minas Gerais are prioritizing actions and services that ensure physical accessibility. Using a mixed approach (qualitative and quantitative) of an exploratory and documentary type, situational diagnoses of the elderly people from 31 municipalities in the state of Minas Gerais were analyzed using Pearson’s correlation analysis and content analysis as strategies. The results revealed evidence that municipalities with larger populations have higher Municipal Human Development Index and higher Municipal Human Development Index – Longevity. Furthermore, it was observed that the larger the population, the higher the Municipal Human Development Index, and the greater the number of inhabitants and the Municipal Human Development Index, the greater the number of actions taken. On the other hand, municipalities with a larger number of regulations carry out fewer actions related to physical and social accessibility. The content analysis of the actions undertaken or planned by the municipalities suggest that physical and social accessibility policies are incipient in the municipalities studied. In conclusion, the municipalities studied do not offer the essential conditions to enable active and healthy aging for their population, and it is necessary to adapt their cities to minimize the risks inherent to demographic changes.
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