Protocol for safe housing environments to support aging in place
Architecture, Aging, SafeAbstract
The projection for the year 2050 indicates that the number of people over 60 years old will increase to approximately 2 billion, placing Brazil in the 6th place in the ranking pf countries with the largest elderly population. Aging can lead to significant physical and cognitive changes over the course of life, highlighting the need for a new perspective on housing environments. The creation of lifelong adapted housing allows individuals to maintain independent living conditions in their own homes or chosen environments. In this context, this research aims to present a protocol for safe housing environments for older adults, with design strategies to support aging in place. Using a multimethod approach, the results indicated that the design of these environments should incorporate the
principle of flexibility and prioritize the lifestyle of the users. Additionally, architectural design must consider the future needs of users. This way, changes can be made without major structural alterations to space. It is concluded that the concept of aging in place can contribute to the formulation of public policies aimed at creating safe housing for the elderly in Brazil.
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