Aerobic exercise attenuates the effects of ovariectomy and sedentarism on body composition and food intake in female rats
Food consumption, Intra-Abdominal fat., Physical exercise, Weight gainResumo
To evaluate the impact of low to moderate aerobic exercise and ovariectomy on body composition and food consumption in female rats.
Forty adult Wistar female rats (age: 23 weeks; body weight: 275.2±3.6g; mean±SEM) were divided into 4 groups (n=10): laparotomy-sedentary; laparotomy-exercised; ovariectomy-sedentary; and ovariectomy-exercised. The exercised groups were submitted to a treadmill running program (16m/min; 30min/day, 5 days/week), for 8 weeks. Body weight and food consumption were monitored during the experiment. Visceral fat and carcass water, protein, ash, fat and carbohydrate fractions were analyzed. Two-way ANOVA plus the Tukey’s post hoc test was used for comparisons and p<0.05 was considered significant.
The ovariectomized (ovariectomy-sedentary+ovariectomy-exercised) and sedentary (laparotomy-sedentary+ovariectomysedentary) animals showed higher (p<0.05) weight gain, food consumption, food efficiency ratio and weight gain/body weight ratio than laparotomy animals (laparotomy-sedentary+laparotomy-exercised) and exercised (exercised laparotomy+exercised ovariectomy), respectively. The ovariectomized and sedentary animals showed higher (p<0.05) carcass weight, fat percentage and visceral fat than laparotomy and exercised rats, respectively.
Ovariectomy and physical inactivity increase obesogenic indicators, whereas regular aerobic exercise of low to moderate intensity attenuates these unfavorable effects in female rats.
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