Type of education and artistic self-concept of adolescents
Adolescent, Art, Self-concept, Education primary and secundaryAbstract
The main aim of this study was to conduct a differential analysis of the artistic self-concept among adolescents who had an artistic education and those who attended to a non-artistic high-school. A total of 226 students from several artistic and non-artistic schools in the metropolitan area of Lisbon completed the Artistic Self-concept Scale and the Self-concept and Self-esteem Scale for Adolescents. Of these students, 108 were from regular high-schools and 118 were from music, drama and visual arts schools. The results showed that the artistic self-concept differed according to the educational context, favouring the art students in the majority of the artistic dimensions. Considering only the art students, it was also verified that the students presented higher levels in the artistic dimension which represented their area of expertise when compared to their peers from other artistic areas.
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