Imagination and creation processes within a historical cultural perspective
Analysis of an experience
Imagination, Musical show, Creation process, Cultural-historical psychologyAbstract
This paper deals with imagination as a fundamental psychological process of human beings, based on the work of Vygotsky and his interlocutors. The intervention research was developed at a Non-Governmental Organization in Art Education. The investigation was characterized by offering percussion workshops, musical show production and vídeo production about the show, to a group of 9 to 14-year-old children who attended the Non-Governmental Organization. The analysis of the experience of these subjects with the researchers was based on imagination and its developments in the creation process. In this process of creation, the (re)signified experience of the subjects forms memory cores in a way that the imaginative activity emerges as a (re)combining psychological process objectified in a new product.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Kátia MAHEIRIE, Ana Luiza Bustamante SMOLKA, André Luiz STRAPPAZZON, Carolina Souza de CARVALHO, Felipe Karpinski MASSARO
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